
quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2024

como quem?

como quem tem sono
como quem não escovará tão cedo os dentes
como quem preferiria não estar aqui 
como quem não sabe muito bem para onde seguir
como quem espera o café 
(ele acabou de chegar)

Escrevo como quem cansou de lamentar e continua lamentando em versão de poema 

Diriam que fiz pouco caso 
Diriam que era coerente com meus gostos musicais 
Diriam que o suicídio da amiga me teria modificado desde a adolescência 
Diriam em letras maiúsculas 

Coitado dele, pobre coitado 

Escrevo como quem diria que palavras e segundos têm em comum o brusco desaparecimento

Que fosse
Que dissessem
Que comessem

(o café me espera)

terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2024

she was part of the paiting and she was ~

And she was already there
we would say
She was there, really!

And when we say she
we are saying death
well and deady
She death
She, the death
She was already here
and there she was

Living as if she was part of the paiting and she was
She really is

You could say
why you're so obsessed with it
why you love to talk about she
oh, baby

I would only say that is
just because my eyes are

Are yours closed?

domingo, 21 de julho de 2024

another since another is not possible

I don't want the poem
give me what he can't

The chair is still the same
The white wall of this house
If I want I can paint it green
But the poem
of the poem, actually
I only want one thing:

let him get me out of here.

For brief seconds
going down like it's rolling
down uninterruptedly
each verse
The poem
in your specific measure
will have to save me again,
amazing machine, isn't he?



And I won't say what it's about
I'm not going to discuss the paths for writing it
I will not lecture about being an author
(It's been hard to be something even before this)

What I want is for the universe to shine
the revelation that when inventing a poem
[and the universe that's him]
I am not me anymore
I'm no longer in myself, that is,

[and that's what matters]

right now
I'm no longer cramped in that corner inside of me
where my pain had strength and as a wall had a name in it


And from then on it would be
just something more or less like this:
finish this poem
and for the pain to return
