
quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2015


The same music
Keeps telling me
What I already know
But always need to
Remember of.

It isn't over. OK. I know that.
But I'll keep listening
Because I remembered
That sometimes it hurts
But sometimes também.

Ontem, eu vivi o tempo da minha vida
Aquele instante em que a surpresa
Te toma e te oferece um único saber:

a vida é isso mesmo, comparsa
jogo eterno de ganhar e perder.

Now I am here
Waiting for nothing
Only waiting for my friends.

Are they nothing
Or everything at the same time?

In fact, this is a kind of classification
That even needs to exist
Because now I am here
And yesterday wasn't the same.

Here I am Só again
Isn't that special?
I believe it é.

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